Frequently asked questions

What time does the Broadwater Hot Springs open? 
Are all of the pools open?
Do I have to have a membership?
Does the Broadwater have family or couples membership?
Do my children have to have memberships?
Does the Broadwater provide towels?
Do you have locker rooms and lockers?
Are reservations required to soak?
Are suits required?
What time can I bring my kids in to swim?
What are the temperatures of the pools and spas?
Do you have deck chairs?
Do you have pool-side service?
How many pools do you have?
What are the hours of your restaurant?
Do I have to have a reservation for the restaurant?
How old do kid's have to be to use the gym?
Do you have group fitness classes?
Can I bring my own water bottle?


Matthew C
Mirko Frind
Kimberly Patterson